Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Tale Behind My Blog Name

It's a rather long blog name...I know. But all the blog names I came up with already exist, so I got my favorites and rolled them all together into one...


Image taken from

Well, I should say that I'm an all-around happy person, constantly viewing life through rainbow-colored glasses.  I have to admit though that at times, there is a need to don my prescription contact lenses (currently at 250/225) to see things in proper perspective -- that is from the standpoint of stark reality, lest I be gobbled up by entities lurking in the shadows, ready to take advantage of my naïveté.


Image taken from

While most people detest power interruptions, I look beyond the darkness and gaze at the soft romantic gleam from the skies above, best appreciated in my parents' quiet farm, far from the maddening hustle and bustle of city life.

At night, as the city sleeps amidst the glare of harsh sodium and fluorescent bulbs, I choose to imagine being blanketed by the warm glow of light cast by the moon and the stars as I get the best of my insights lying in bed, where my random thoughts teeter between a state of consciousness and dreamland, while my babies' steady breathing serves as my lullaby. 

(I also have to mention that I get some of my light bulb moments when I'm all lathered up with shampoo and soap - but a blog name bearing the said factors would most definitely be inappropriate!)


Image taken from

Shanez, as I was told, means "little princess".
I am little - that is a fact. At almost 5 feet, I would prefer petite. :)
I don't claim that royal blood runs through my veins; I do not have a kingdom with subjects who adore me. Though not by lineage, I can say that I am a princess to my parents, brother, husband and children who make me feel so loved.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the tales - random ramblings are more like it - of a little princess wannabe who, despite the occasional rain-shower, lives in a world basked in sunshine and rainbows, moonbeams and starlight.


  1. Welcome Nez! I'm doing this for 3 years na. It's relaxing at the same time I learn a lot from other bloggers too.

    1. Hi Cheekee! I only found out that you were blogging when you shared on Facebook the post about Bo. I'm so sorry to hear about him...

      But thanks for adding me to your circle. I'm so new at this that I'm still experimenting with a few things. Maybe I can ask you for advice at times? Thanks Cheeks! I'll be following your blog too... :)
